What is Experiential Learning?

What’s In this Post What is Experiential Learning? Experiential Learning is the process of learning through a direct experience or simply put learning from experience. This means that learning is accomplished by staging certain scenarios or exercises that delegates get involved in and learn from this experience instead of listening to a trainer or lecturer … Read more

Lessons In Sales Skills From the Apprentice

This weeks episode of the Apprentice saw the teams tasked with choosing and selling a range of beauty treatments and peripheral products. After a switch around in the teams, Lord Sugar this week chose the Team Leaders – Zoe for team Venture and Felicity for team logic. The first task was to choose the location … Read more

Why a Personal Network is So Important When Going It Alone

why you need a personal network

When I started about 2 years ago I surrounded myself with professional people to help get things of the ground and to ask for businesses advice, but now I begin to realise I should have had a different network.

Things have really come to a head this past few months and I’ve had to make some pretty big changes. Here’s why.