Delegation in Management – Why Leaders Need To Delegate and Why They Don’t

Delegation in management is a must-have tool in today’s businesses. Many of us struggle with or won’t do it. Here are some of the reasons why we don’t delegate but should.

Leading a Team You Were Once a Part Of

leading a team you were once part of

Leading a team you were once part of is a daunting task. I this post, I share some lessons I learnt about taking over a team I was once a member of along with some tips to make the transition from team member to the leader of the team.

People Are Not Mushrooms – Don’t Keep Them In The Dark

Do you have a communication strategy that serves to keep your team and people in your organisation updated? People don’t like to be kept in the dark and, in this post, we look at the impact of not communicating and the benefits of having a more planned approach to communication.

Lessons From the Apprentice – Design a New Gadget

This weeks task on the Apprentice was to design and pitch a new household gadget.  Lord Sugar said that the success of the task would be very much down to the concept as the team who secured the most orders from two major retailers would win. The boys led by Azhar decided to focus on … Read more

What is Experiential Learning?

[toc] What is Experiential Learning? Experiential Learning is the process of learning through a direct experience or simply put learning from experience. This means that learning is accomplished by staging certain scenarios or exercises that delegates get involved in and learn from this experience instead of listening to a trainer or lecturer talking about a … Read more

Business and Leadership Lessons From the Apprentice – Fast Food

A short update this week on Business and Leadership Lessons From the Apprentice, simply because many of the mistakes and lessons are the same as previous episodes; however, there are some key lessons to draw from this weeks episode. This week the teams were tasked with putting together a fast food restaurant. They would be … Read more

Business and Leadership Lessons From The Apprentice – Smell What Sells

This weeks task was simple – take a set of products, try and sell them, find out what’s selling, re-invest your money in the moving products and sell them and so on. But it seemed that both of this week’s teams didn’t quite grasp this. For this week the teams were yet again mixed and … Read more

Business and Leadership Lessons From the Apprentice – Biscuits

This week the teams were tasked with bringing another new product to market, this time biscuits, and it was clear that lessons from previous tasks had still not been learnt. The teams were mixed again this week with Zoe taking charge of Venture and Helen Logic. Half of the teams were sent to a development … Read more